Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Queena Stovall

In the paintings, I saw alot of repetition. I noticed alot of chickens in alot of the paintings and i guess it was a chicken coop that i noticed in a lot of paintings also. The paintings also looked like it was during slavery days because of the depiction of blacks verses whites. In the painting Lawdy, Lawdy, What'll I do, I noticed a family standing outside crying as their house was on fire. It was as if someone had set it on fire on purpose because alot of their personal items were thrown outside on the ground. I also noticed a tree that looked as if it was willowing or something, which may have symbolized something.
In Uncle Nathan and the Little Black Mare, I noticed how there were three white men standing behind a fence as a black man was being chased by black mare. It was as if they were getting joy out of watching this man run for his life. I also noticed a cat laying down on top of the barn watching as the black man was getting chased.
In Making Apple Cidar, there was three black men smiling as they were working. One was squatted in front of a barrel full of water with two buckets of apples beside it. There was also apples in the water. This brings the conclusion that he were washing. The other two men were at this big churning machine. Cidar poured out into a big bucket and a white woman was bent over in front of the bucket. She had a scoop and a funnel and jugs all around her. There was also a white man who seemed to be walking towards the house/barn carrying two jugs which i suppose full of cidar.

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